Bars, Restaurants Hotels

Offer a free, secure and data compliant guest WiFi network that perfectly matches your brand and delivers key messages

Manage every step of your visitor WiFi experience, from login methods and beautifully designed splash pages, to branding, key updates and advertising to educate your visitors and help you drive revenue.

You can even connect with social to allow visitors to login quickly using their social media credentials.

Capture visitor data, boost your CRM records and increase marketing outreach

Hospitality venues typically only capture the data of the lead booker. Our captive WiFi platform allows you to collect contact data from every visitor who connects to your guest WiFi.

Use the data collected to build detailed visitor profiles, personalize your engagement, and significantly increase the outreach of marketing campaigns.

Reduce the amount spent with online travel agents and increase your profitability

Set up automated email campaigns that promote your brand, inform past visitors of an upcoming discounted room rate or offer your loyal visitors free access to key facilities during their next stay; helping you drive direct bookings and reduce the reliance on online travel agents.

Welcome your new visitors and reward those who are loyal encouraging them to return

As hospitality begins to recover, this provides an excellent opportunity for brands to capture and delight new visitors.

Send your new visitors a welcome email that includes facilities opening hours, upcoming event information and important safety messaging. Reward your returning visitors with an SMS message that thanks them for their continued loyalty and offers a 20% discount if they book again in the future.

Boost your online presence, get more reviews and beat your competitors

Connect our platform with leading review providers such as TripAdvisor and Trustpilot to instantly boost your online presence.

Let visitors know that you value their opinion with automatic email prompts politely asking them to leave a review following their visit. Use the feedback collected to further improve your venue operations and the visitor experience.


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